Meet Katelyn from ”Love Mother Nurture”

Da Ieva: ”Una settimana fa vi ho raccontato la mia storia e la mia esperienza con Katelyn. Ecco la sua lettera per aiutarvi conoscerla meglio. Per me non ci sono parole per spiegare quanto la sua visione ha aiutato a me, e spero che potra’ essere un nuovo inizio per voi. With love”

”I want to manage my time in a way that gives me the space and time to appreciate and actually enjoy my life”

This is at the heart of what most women who come to me for coaching want.

They have so much to be grateful for – work, children, partners, homes – but they are so busy trying to get all the things done, taking care of everyone else, that there is very little time and hardly any energy to just be. To notice, to smile, to laugh, to be present in their own lives. 

They know that time goes by all too quickly, and yet they can’t seem to figure out how to slow down, do less, and soak in the moments that are all around them.

I know what this feels like because this used to be me too.

Before I had my first child, I managed what many would consider a very full schedule. I loved my growing professional career, had friends and family with whom I was always planning events and outings, a new-to-us 1890s home that came with a host of DIY projects, and a list of hobbies, interests, and projects that filled all the time in between.

When we decided to start a family, I assumed, naively, that I would continue to live life the way I always had, just with a baby in tow. I was convinced that I wouldn’t change the way I lived just because I was becoming a mom.

Little did I know that I would be forever changed.

When my maternity leave was over, I was ready to go back to work. I wanted to go back to work because I thought that by getting back to my old routines, I would get back my old self. But  instead of finding myself, I felt even more confused and I had more to do than ever before.

Colleagues congratulated me and asked how I was doing. So I smiled and said things are “crazy” but that I was doing “great”.

I couldn’t bear to tell them the truth. That the Katelyn they knew, the one who could juggle a million projects and clients and make it look easy, was so overwhelmed by motherhood and life in general that she was in a constant state of either holding back tears or wanting to scream.

That I was so tired and so overwhelmed that most days I was paralyzed trying to figure out what to do and where to even start. That I felt like I was missing out on this time with my son, not necessarily because I was working, but that because even when I was with him, my mind was always on my to-do list, thinking about everything that wasn’t getting done.

It took time, therapy, and lots of experimenting, but eventually I learned how to manage my time in a way that allowed me to be more present, more relaxed, and have more fun with my son. I prioritized taking care of myself while still getting results at work. I learned to have fun again. So much so, that my husband and I went on to have two more children. 

We are now a family of five. My son, Henry, is 8. My daughter, Darcy, is 6. And my youngest son, Wyatt, is 4. I also make time consistently to read, exercise, garden, puzzle, play games, and take walks, all things that I love to do and are important to taking care of myself so that I can take care of my kids, my friendships, and my marriage.

My mission with Mother Nurture is to help working moms manage and enjoy their lives. To help them create routines and planning systems that make daily life easier so that they can prioritize what’s most important – taking care of themselves, being present with their kids, and living a life that feels good. 

I am so excited to be partnering with Ieva and Linda of Manilla to bring you this course to help you manage and prioritize your responsibilities in a way that supports more space and time for the things that matter. 

This will be a hands-on program where you will learn the fundamental skills and strategies that I teach my private clients on time and task management and start putting them into practice in your own life. And you’ll get to do that with the support of a small group of women and me as your coach. 

We will be posting registration information very soon. I cannot wait to coach you and watch you create more time and space for ease and enjoyment of the beautiful life you’re creating.

