
”From My Heart to Yours” _ENG

Dear Readers,

This is a very emotional and open letter about my life and how Manilla in Milan came along. As women, as mums and as working mums, we sometimes feel ashamed to admit – we can not do it all? Or that we need a break or a pause even from our dearest. Or why does everything else matter, rather than what I want and what makes me happy.

Circa two years ago I nearly had a complete nervous breakdown. Luckily, I managed to turn my life completely upside down, before it was too late and the consequences could have been much more severe. I moved countries and cities where I lived with my husband and baby girl of two, reduced my working hours, started limiting my exposure to everything and everyone, as I realised – I needed to recharge my batteries. It felt it was all impossible to do at the time, until I started doing it. One thing after another lead me to waves of new energy – out with the old, and in with the new. It was not that I was broken or I was not good enough. It was just that I had become a mother and I had undervalued, what becoming a mum would imply and how much that would change or affect me and the world around me.

After  four months of making the changes above listed, I finally was able have the mental capacity that allowed me to be happy, creative and think ahead. My biggest enlightenment at this stage was –  I needed to make changes on how I perceived and viewed everyday life, how I organised my time and that of my family. I have always been a good coordinator and project management is part of my daily job routine, but this was different. The right thoughts and energy, brought to me the right person to help me with this new life journey – Katelyn. 

Katelyn is a mom of 3 and she leads successfully her own business of being a life coach for working moms. She has gone through her ups and downs, and we will hear more about her story in her presentation on the blog. But here she was – the answer to all my worries, all my questions and she had all the right guidance I needed. 

I did the Beyonce Balance webinar course with Katelyn, where a group of women, from all over the world, where guided on all our questions and doubts. Katelyn did not have all the answers, but she made the right questions, to make us evaluate or life from a completely different perspective.

During the 8 week course we worked on:

  • Perception of time,
  • Compacting our To do lists,
  • How doing less can actually help us to feel confident in the possibility to do more,
  • How to celebrate our little wins and achievements,
  • Tips and tricks that can help in our everyday life,
  • How to deal with the unexpected,
  • How to prioritise what is and what isn’t actually important.

And so much more….

I believe that women are super heroes on planet Earth and I know many of you women out there are questioning your every move or you just feel like you are running a marathon that never has an end. Because I have been in a dark place, i can really relate. With the help of Katelyn, I would like to share the knowledge and tell you all, that we do not have to run that marathon. You don’t have to be a tired mum, you don’t have to be an unhappy wife, you do not have to put all your dreams aside. What if – with just a few tweeks and your own willingness to make changes, you can be exactly who you want to be?

  • You can be present to the chaos of getting everyone out the door in the morning. 
  • You can play music that makes you feel alive and dance in the kitchen while you get dinner ready.
  • You can read a really good book before you fall asleep at night.
  • You can look at your toddler and truly listen as he tells you about his day.
  • And you can look around at the monotony that is sometimes just a part of working and raising young kids and smile anyway.

Manilla has teamed up with Katelyn and we are working on bringing to you an online crash course with the core tips and tricks that would be a starting point on helping you to be the woman you want to be.

For me, signing up to Katelyn’s course gave me so much positive energy, as I finally felt like I was taking control of my life and where I wanted it to lead me.

We hope this course can be a starting instrument and a game changer, like it was for me. I found my person, my life coach, my Katelyn who was the right person for me. I hope she can be yours as well.

Get to know Katelyn from her website https://www.themothernurture.com/, and I highly recommend her newsletters. This was were I first got to know her better and I understood that I wanted to know more what Katelyn had to offer.

With lots of love
